History of OJSC "Domanovsky production and trading plant"
The history of the open joint-stock company "Domanovo production and trading plant" has been written for decades. There are more than 160 employees in our team. Rich production experience, multiplied by modern technologies and qualified personnel, allows the plant to maintain the status of a reliable partner and make the plant's products in demand and competitive.In 1958-1959, a glass factory was put into operation on the territory of the Domanovsky plant of building materials, which produced large-sized industrial glass containers.
Since 1960, the construction of a slate plant has been completed, the main activity of the enterprise is the production of slate products.
In 1968, a workshop for the production of cement-sand blocks and other concrete products was opened at the slate factory.
In 1974, a workshop for the production of glass facing tiles was launched.
Since 1996, there has been a transition to the production of soluble sodium silicate, and the production of liquid glass and silicate paints has been located on the premises of the former slate plant.
In 2004, the Domanovsky Building Materials Plant was transformed into an open joint-stock company Domanovsky Production and Trade Plant. Since then, the plant has been producing a unique range of environmentally friendly, high-quality products: powdered hydrated sodium silicate, powdered hydrated potassium silicate, liquid sodium and potassium glass, silicate and silicate-acrylic paints.
In 2007, the production of silicate-acrylic water-dispersion paint (SAVD) began.
In 2008, the production of sodium metasilicate 9-water was started.
In 2009, a workshop for the production of powdered hydrated sodium silicate was launched.
In 2012, the production of hydrated powdered potassium silicate was mastered.
In 2017, a new production of paving slabs, blocks, curbstones was opened at the plant.
In the spring of the same year, the plant began to produce a new product of sodium metasilicate pentahydrate.