Agreement on the processing of personal data
This User Agreement is an agreement between the Administration and the User, which defines the conditions for using the website OJSC "Domanovsky Production and Trade Plant" (hereinafter referred to as the Site), as well as mutual rights and obligations of the parties.
In accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. 398 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Belarus, this User Agreement is an agreement of accession.
In accordance with paragraph 2 of Art. 407 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Belarus, this User Agreement is a public offer. The User Agreement is considered concluded from the moment the Administration receives the User's consent to the terms of this User Agreement (acceptance of the offer). Acceptance of the offer is made by the User performing actions to register an Account.
The User Agreement defines the terms of use of the Site, as well as the mutual rights and obligations of the parties.
Operator's policy regarding the processing of personal data (doc.)
1. General provisions
1.1. Site JSC "Domanovsky production and trading plant", located at is a resource JSC "Domanovo Production and Trade Plant", which hosts articles, photo and video information, advertising and other information on behalf of the Administration on behalf of the Administration.
1.2. The terms and definitions used in these User Agreements have the following meanings:
1.2.1. User - a member of the partnership of owners whose houses are maintained and operated by OAO Domanovsky Production and Trade Plant, or another person living in these houses, who has expressed a desire to use the services of the Site, who has concluded a User Agreement with the Owner of the Internet resource (Administration).
1.2.2. Nick - Surname, name, patronymic of the User under which he is registered, displayed on the screen in the messages of this user of the Site.
1.2.3. Administration — OJSC "Domanovsky production and trading plant"
1.2.4. Moderator - a person authorized by the Administration who is engaged in Moderation.
1.2.5. Moderation - the actions of the Moderator aimed at complying with the User Agreement by users.
1.2.6. Information - any data, texts, graphics, photographs, software, databases or data from databases in any volume, audio and video information.
1.2.7. Curator - a user who has the rights of a Moderator in a separate forum topic.
1.2.8. Identification - a set of measures to establish information about the User.
1.2.9. Account - a set of data about the User specified during registration, stored in the computer system of the Site, necessary for his identification.
1.2.10 Appeal - informational data, or including terms of reference, sent by the User to the Client Center.
1.3. Agreement with this User Agreement may be expressed in the following:
1.3.1. You create an account on the Site, if such an opportunity is provided by the Site Administration.
1.3.2. You post a message on the Site.
1.3.3. You are visiting the Site. In this case, you understand and agree that the Administration will regard the fact that you use the Site as an agreement with the User Agreement from the corresponding moment in time.
1.3.4. It is forbidden to register a user on the Site more than once (re-registration). The use of multiple accounts by one user is prohibited.
1.3.5. Ignorance of the User Agreement does not release you from liability for their violation.
1.4. Only Registered Users can use the Services of the Site.
1.5. User identification.
1.5.1. The use of the Services of the Site is carried out by the User after entering personal data in the form of submitting an Application.
1.5.2. The user agrees and grants the Administration the right to:
- for the implementation of automated processing (with the following actions: collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, use, destruction) of the phone number, personal account, personal data of the User, information about the apartment number and its area, the number of persons registered together with the User , as well as other information, the introduction of which was carried out by the User on the Site,
- to place on the Site advertising and informational offers, advice on goods and services;
- for the Administration to transfer information about Users to third parties in order to inform them about the information posted on the Site.
2. Rights and obligations:
2.1. Rights and obligations of the User:
2.1.1. The User has the right, after entering the data in the Application submission form, to post informational messages and (or) materials on the Site. The user has the right to freely express his own opinion on any topic, subject to the restrictions established by the current legislation of the Republic of Belarus, this User Agreement, the rights of third parties.
2.1.2. The User undertakes to comply with this User Agreement and read it before using the Site. If the User does not agree with any provision of this agreement or with the agreement as a whole, he is obliged to stop any use of the Site.
2.1.3. In case of disagreement with the User Agreement, the User undertakes to refuse further use of the Site. Starting to use the Site should be understood as any actions aimed at using the Site or its functionality. The start of use is also, including, but not limited to: downloading, recording, storing the Site in the memory of the User's device.
2.1.4. The user undertakes to provide complete, accurate and reliable information when performing the data entry procedure in accordance with the questions of the registration form.
2.1.5. The User undertakes not to take actions aimed at undermining network security or disrupting the operation of the Site, the Administration software and hardware.
2.1.6. When posting messages, creating topics, using a userpic, nickname and signature, the user is obliged to comply with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus, act in good faith, reasonably and prudently.
2.1.7. By posting messages on the Site, creating topics, the User thereby confirms that he has all the necessary rights for this, does not violate the rights of third parties, as well as any laws and other binding acts.
2.1.8. The User does not have the right to copy (reproduce), process, distribute, publish, download, transfer, alienate or otherwise use, in whole or in part, the Information on the Site posted by another user or the Administration, without the prior permission of such other user (right holder who is not a user ) or Administration. In order to use (copy) such information, the User needs to contact such a user, find out who is the copyright holder in relation to the above Information, and obtain permission to use such Information.
2. Rights and obligations of the Administration:
2.2.1. The Administration has the right during the term of the User Agreement, as well as for five years from the date of its termination, to store, process and submit data in accordance with applicable law, as well as information about the placement and (or) changes by the User on the Site of information messages and (or) materials, the date and time of their placement and (or) changes; information about the network (IP) address of the User's device assigned during the User's registration on the Site, making changes to the User's registration data.
2.2.2. The Administration has the right to unilaterally terminate this User Agreement with the User at any time and cancel the saved personal data of the User. The Administration has the right to notify the User of the fact of unilateral termination of the User Agreement by sending a notification in an SMS message to the mobile phone number specified when filling out the User Agreement or using other identification data and technical means to ensure that the User is informed.
2.2.3. The Administration, in case of violation by the User of this User Agreement (including if it considers that the information provided by the User in the registration form is not true), has the right to suspend or terminate the rights of this User to use all or some of the features of the Site.
2.2.4. The Administration has the right to expand the functionality of the Site, change the scope, nature and methods of using the Site, including setting technical restrictions: the number of personal messages, the volume and number of attached files, the presence and number of lines of attached advertising information, the maximum number of message recipients, the maximum message length on the Site, the frequency of information collection by the search engine, the list of supported protocols, the numbers of the ports used and other technical characteristics and parameters.
2.2.5. The Administration has the right to change the technical characteristics and parameters of the software and hardware used on the Site, on a scheduled or unscheduled basis, including with a temporary suspension of the Site.
2.2.6. The Administration reserves the right to store (archive) any messages of the User on the Site, topics created by him, signatures in order to preserve (provide) evidence in any civil, criminal, administrative case.
It is forbidden to discuss topics closed / deleted by the Moderators or the Administration. It is forbidden to post messages containing political discussions. It is prohibited to post messages containing unconfirmed information that could harm the honor, dignity, business reputation of an individual or business reputation of a legal entity, knowingly false information, slander. It is forbidden to post messages containing dishonest methods of conducting discussions in the form of "distorting" the statements of the interlocutors, provocations to violate this User Agreement. It is forbidden to post messages containing any links to other Internet resources, except: agreed with the Administration (Moderator). Post the information itself, not a link to it. It is prohibited to post messages containing advertising, offers to buy or sell, provide services, perform work, or other commercial messages in all sections of the Site. It is forbidden to post messages containing rude, obscene expressions and insults in any form - messages that are rude in tone, as well as unmotivated, subjective criticism of various devices and companies. It is forbidden to post messages that are meaningless and (or) of little content and (or) provocative, including messages in the form of emoticons.
2.2.7. The Administration has the right to delete and change messages and (or) materials of the User without explanation.
2.2.9. The Administration is obliged to provide the Services to the User in accordance with this User Agreement.
2.2.10. The Administration is obliged to take measures to protect against loss, as well as disclosure without the consent of the User of the information specified in clause 1.5 of this User Agreement.
2.3. Rights and obligations of the Moderator:
2.3.1. The Moderator has the right to delete and change any information posted by the User on the Site without prior notice.
2.3.2. The Moderator has the right, in case of questions / disputes, to request from the User additional information necessary to resolve the issue.
2.4. The User has the right to terminate the User Agreement at any time. To terminate the User Agreement, the User applies to the Administration by sending a request through the application form.
In the event of termination of the User Agreement, the User loses the ability to post messages on the Site.
The Administration ensures the storage of the User's data for one year from the date of termination of the user agreement.
The User has the right to appeal in court the decision to unilaterally terminate the User Agreement by the Administration within one month from the date of receipt of such notification.
When quoting, the source and author must be indicated. It is forbidden to post messages containing information relating to the personal life of other users without their permission, including disclosure of the content of correspondence, telephone and other messages of personal correspondence, real names and other personal data (addresses, telephone numbers, places of work, etc.) other users
3. Requirements for using the Site:
3.1. Posting rules:
3.1.1. When writing messages, use Russian or Belarusian. It is forbidden to post messages containing an excessive number of grammatical errors, slang words, modern network "dialects".
3.1.2. It is forbidden to post messages containing calls to violate the current legislation. It is forbidden to post messages containing racist statements, inciting ethnic hatred. It is forbidden to edit or delete your own messages in order to distort or hide the original meaning of the messages. When writing messages, observe copyright in works of science, literature, art.
3.1.3. Requirements for images that are attached to messages:
- Attached images are subject to all the requirements of this User Agreement related to messages. When attaching images, observe copyright. It is forbidden to attach images with copyright infringement. Attaching images that do not have an obvious semantic connection with the text of the message or the topic of the forum is prohibited. It is prohibited to attach images containing advertising, including advertising links and hidden advertising, trademarks, other means of individualization of participants in civil circulation, goods, works and services.
4. Moderation:
4.1. Compliance with this User Agreement is monitored by the Moderators and the Administration. Moderators and the Administration can issue warnings to Users, delete messages, apply penalties to Users.
4.2. Responsibility for a possible violation by the User of this User Agreement, legislation, including the legislation of any state, lies solely with the User.
4.3. If the User believes that any messages violate the legislation of the Republic of Belarus or international norms, this User Agreement, contain a trade secret or are capable of causing damage to individuals or legal entities, the User has the right to report this to the Moderator.
4.4. Penalties applied to violators:
4.4.1. A user who systematically violates the User Agreement may be deprived of access to the Site. When trying to re-enter data, the violator is blocked without warning.
4.4.2. The applicable penalty is determined by the Moderator. The moderator is not obliged to adhere to the sequence and severity of measures, but has the right to apply any measure of punishment.
4.4.4. The Administrator's decisions on all matters are final and not subject to appeal.
5. A responsibility. Disclaimer:
5.1. All messages reflect the opinions of their authors, users are solely responsible for the information disseminated in their messages.
5.2. The administration does not have the appropriate resources to track all messages and check them for compliance with the law. Therefore, the Administration is not responsible for the accuracy and legality of messages published by users on the Site.
5.3. The Administration strives to promote compliance with the law when Users post information on the Site, but does not replace state bodies that are designed to prevent violations of the law and the rights and legitimate interests of citizens and organizations.
5.4. The administration reserves the right not to participate in disputes and discussions, not to evaluate the evidence presented and not to delete messages in the absence of an unambiguous opportunity to assess the compliance of the message with the law and this User Agreement.
5.5. In accordance with the law, law enforcement, tax and judicial authorities of the Republic of Belarus, within their competence, for information about any of the Users who posted information on the Site, and the Administration is obliged to provide them with all available information.
5.6. Users posting information should be prepared, if necessary, to independently provide evidence of its legitimacy and legality.
5.7. The Administration reserves the right to involve Users as witnesses, third parties, co-defendants in court and law enforcement agencies.
5.8. The Administration does not guarantee that the Site will be compatible and / or function with any software on your computer. User messages on the Site may contain links to other sites or resources. Since the Administration does not control other sites or resources, the Administration is not responsible for the performance of such sites or resources, as well as for the content, advertising, materials, goods and services available on such sites or resources. The administration is not responsible for any harm that may be caused to you by third parties who have posted such links.
6. Copyright:
6.1. By posting his message, the User confirms that he has all the necessary rights to post this message.
6.2. By posting his message on the Site, the User transfers to the Administration free of charge the right to use it in any form and in any way, including, but not limited to: reproduction, distribution, display, performance, translation, alteration (processing), broadcasting, by cable, wire or by other similar means.
6.3. When using (quoting) information from the Site, third parties must obtain consent from the Users who posted this information, or from the Administration and without fail provide a link to the Site.
7. How to change this User Agreement:
7.1. The User Agreement (including any of its parts) can be changed by the Administration at any time without the need to obtain the consent of the User. The new version of the User Agreement comes into force from the moment it is posted on the Site, unless otherwise provided by the new version of the Agreement.
7.2. If the User does not agree with the changes and / or additions made, the User must refuse to further use the Site. If the User uses the Site after the date of making changes to this User Agreement, the Administration will regard this fact as acceptance of the amended User Agreement.
7.3. At the current version is always available User agreement. The User must independently check the User Agreement for changes.